KXVO 10:00 News Says Goodbye Tonight
"KXVO 15 10:00 News" host Matt Geiler says the demise of the program (which airs its final live episode tonight on Cox Channel 11) did not come as a surprise to him - or anyone else who has worked on the show.
"The cancellation of the program was something that had been mentioned in some capacity - either as a possibility or as a corporate desire - since I arrived at the station," Geiler said. "So, we just made up our minds to do the kind of show we'd like to see every day, whether that lasted for a week or a year."
Meeting or exceeding ratings expectations would have been difficult, he said, because the show's target demographic of people between the ages of 12 and 35 aren't known to fill out ratings diaries.
"So, to that end, the viewership doesn't have a strong correlation with the numbers," he said. "We've just been grateful and pretty stoked about the people who watched the show and joined in the laughter with us."The unconventional "newscast" debuted in December of 2005 with Calvert Collins as host. She eventually moved to a reporting role (and later back to KPTM) and former MTV VJ Brian McFayden was hired on. But his tenure was short-lived and within three months the Ralston native was gone. Geiler, a standup comedian and Second City alumnus, came on board last fall and grew the format of comedy sketches and pieces written and produced by fellow cast members Taylor Stein (producer), Kyle Benecke (photographer) and Jeff Van Roy (director).
Some of the more memorable recurring characters include "Lando Calrissian: Galactic Pimp," The Weirdums, Mr. Retaliation and Bram Niapost.
"We started out with an idea that we wanted to do something concretely anti-news ... and our explorations led us into an almost absurdist arena of sketches, characters, songs, and pranks," Geiler said. "Every day was markedly different from the last because of the sheer variety of things we attempted. We gave ourselves absolute creative freedom - freedom to fail, dream, and do. That's a rare opportunity for four people of different sensibilities and I'm very fortunate to have been a part of it."Geiler said he is well aware of the negative comments against Pappas Telecasting and KXVO management (many of them posted on The City's Weekly's Media Watch column site). But, as he points out, it was those same people who are being criticized who took the chance and created the program in the first place.
"I think that some form of commendation needs to be delivered to all the people at Pappas and Fox42/CW15 who helped us do this - both the people at corporate and in management who hired me and, thus, took a creative risk," he said. "Plus, the people who helped us realize our vision - news techs, producers, directors, graphic artists, engineers, and talent."
Geiler said Stein, Benecke and Van Roy have been offered other jobs at KXVO's sister station, KPTM (Cox Channel 10). But at the present time, none have plans to stay on.
"The kind of creative control and freedom we had on KXVO is inspiring, to say nothing of intoxicating," Geiler said. "And I imagine it would be difficult for them to go back into an environment where our sort of unbridled creativity was not key to the production."
The concept of the program might continue in some fashion on another channel or in another medium, he said, as it is being shopped around to cable and network producers.
As for his own future, Geiler said he will soon be acting in a film being produced by Avant/Chicago and Mas Menos Film in Chicago.
"Most of the shooting will take place in May and June," he said. "Between that, doing gigs and live shows, finishing a new music album with my brother Mike, and picking up commercials and voice-overs, I should be able to keep busy."
Ok, Omaha, all together now...
That is about all Omaha's good for: general apathy towards anything unique and fresh.
Look, I tried watching this show, and I couldn't get into it. Doing goofy things at a wig shop? That is a real stretch. I think they should have called it something else and not NEWS. I think the show would have done better if it would have been called "Chimps With A Camera." I really do think Pappas can put out a decent show, if they would only put a little more money into it.
I, for one, loved the show and think Geiler, Benecke and Stein are very talented guys who are not only funny and great editors/producers/photographers, but very talented musicians as well.
For those people who never watched it or only watched it once or twice, get off your high horse and stop being total jerks about it! They never had the resources that the other stations have in Omaha. The fact that KPTM can hang with KMTV, and the fact that their sports dept. (which consists of TWO guys total) continues to kick all the other stations' asses, is a testament to the talent and HARD WORK they all put in.
Good luck to those four guys who worked so hard on that show!
Isn't Channel Third's sports department just two people?
Not talking about two TALENT people in the dept... KPTM does all their own shooting (except NE football games) and editing and producing.
42 sports is by far and away the best in Omaha for local sports. Even if you don't watch their newscasts, you should tune in for JJ and Jeff, after awhile both of them grow on you and you recognize just how hard the two work to put on an excellent show. Good job guys!
What I wonder is: why did they even call it news? It was the "four guys in the basement comedy show."
If the employees at Subway get tired of making sandwiches and decide it would be more fun to make tacos, they shouldn't be surprised when they get fired.
They called it the "KXVO 10:00 News" back when it first started with Calvert Collins anchoring and reporters doing packages with live lead-ins and sports and weather segments. The management never changed the name that included "news." Who cares, anyway? It's not like people were dumb enough to go there for their daily Iraq updates or latest City Hall news.
And, if you read the entire article, they were neither "surprised" nor "fired." Geiler said they were all told from the beginning that the show may not last long, and they also all were offered jobs at KPTM, but they declined.
I'm getting annoyed at people who come on here and cut down these guys who busted their butts for that show, yet these people can't even get their facts straight! I seriously hope they are not people in the media... learn to check your facts, morons!
Okay then...
If the employees at Subway get tired of making sandwiches and decide it would be more fun to make tacos, they shouldn't be too disappointed when that store is closed.
I thought this post was about the KXVO show, not JJ stumping for his job at KPTM.
JJ... your old, goofy and out of touch with what people want in a sportscast. If you REALLY want to save your job you'll:
1. Drop the "fan of the day" (it's a joke and wastes people's time).
2. Cover SOME national sports. (For gods sake how much woman's softball can an audience take!!)
3. Stop compaining how hard you work on air.
4. Stop sending blog posts that pretend how much the viewing public adores you.
5. Stop slamming Travis (in other posts) just because you're desperate to get out of KPTM and work across town.
6. Realize your day has past and that you need to look for a new career.
First of all, I don't think JJ has the time to be posting on here. I know him well and have worked with him in sports at KPTM. He DOES bust his ass. Trust me, that is a HARD job to do a 5+ minute sportscast where you run around all day and shoot, then log and edit, produce, do a package and then go on air... all by yourself! And, JJ is a stand-up guy who doesn't need to slam Travis. I think plenty of people despise him enough to write about him. And why would he only rip Travis, why not all the sports guys?! Lame theory...
Secondly, people DO NOT watch local sportscasts for extensive national coverage. It's a fact. But KPTM does show some national things that people in the area care about, such as the Chiefs or something like the NFL draft.
Thirdly, the Fan of the Day is a great idea. It connects with the area sports fans and they enjoy seeing themselves on TV. Just like more people will watch if their small high school football game is covered rather than watching the same tired Husker stories. Plus, it's also sponsored.
Last, and certainly not least, JJ has the awards and recognition to back up the fact that he does not need to go looking for another job. He has a different approach than the other guys do; he may be a little goofy, but at least he's not lazy or unoriginal.
So, before you go ripping apart someone, maybe do a little research so you don't sound like such an ass.
P.S. You might want to learn the difference between "your" and "you're" when your slamming someone else. Just a thought...
For a guy that works so hard... you sure do have allot of time to read the blog... or is it your wife.
Wake me when KXVO is relevant. I fully expect to be asleep longer than Rip Van Winkle.
For all of you JJ-bashers, you obviously have NO CLUE what you're talking about! There is NO person in Omaha TV news that works harder than JJ Davis, trust me, I've worked with him. His love and commitment to local sports is unmatched, and his competitors would agree...just ask Schuetz and Webber.
Honestly, JJ is the best asset KPTM has. No one cares more about his job or his family than JJ, and anyone who knows him knows that.
It must be Travis the "Tool" posting those nasty comments about JJ...he's just envious that a man ten years older than he has more hair, more talent and a MUCH lower cholesterol.
Nope, my name is Suzy. I worked at KPTM with him. Not his wife. Not his mom. Just think he's a great guy and I know many agree.
What really constitutes a "terrible sports reporter"? (And that he's so terrible, it requires all caps?!) Is it that he doesn't know what he's doing, his delivery or what he looks like? I think every single person that's a talent could be bashed for some aspect of what he/she does or is. I just don't think he's "TERRIBLE."
Some people are lazy, some have no clue what he/she is talking about, some don't double-check facts, some have bad grammar and writing skills, some have bad delivery, some are not attractive, some are just not intelligent... I mean, no one's perfect. I don't understand how a post about KXVO has turned into the crucifixion of JJ Davis.
And for the love of God, it's KXVO's last night... could we please stop condemning the people that worked hard to make that show, and perhaps look at the bad management instead?!
I don't think anybody started to slam JJ until anonymous posters (friends/family?) started shoving down our throats how great their sports is . He does work hard. He does a nice job.Whether you like his style is a matter of personal taste for the viewer..its not a right or wrong issue. But just because you cover Bellevue University and College of St.Mary like a blanket or throw up 18 high school football games with little in the way of significant hilites doesn't mean you have the best sports coverage in town. They can't even get a live shot out of Lincoln. So lets not get carried away. If they hand out a prize for hardest working he wins --- not sure what that means in the big picture
This off-topic posting reminds me of working at KPTM during the turbulent three days when JJ was fired, then rehired, for dropping an F-bomb from off-camera at the instant someone accidentally brought his mic up during KPTM's news. The audio board op stayed fired, JJ got rehired. Good times.
Wasn't this topic supposed to be about the now defunct KXVO show? How about the underhanded jabs at Pappas management in tonight's finale? Nice!
As for the 42 sports work ethic, didn't it nearly kill Radcliff last summer? Sometimes you just got to lay up, instead of going for the green all the damn time. Personally, I like JJ's style, he makes sports interesting to those of us who don't give a rip about it, or the Huskers. Seriously, its just sports, guys! Why are we even discussing this? Be like Chuck and chill out yo!
The KXVO finale show was phenomenal. Even if you've never seen the show before, this was by far their best effort. You might want to check it out as it re-airs friday night. It was a "musical" themed show that poked fun at nearly everyone in the Omaha media, even this blog at one point.
You're right...it WAS phenomenal -- put me to sleep inside of 30 seconds. Usually they can't put my lights out until 5-7 minutes in. Haven't slept that well in weeks...
So King of the Hill starts tonight? At least there'll be something funny on at 10PM to choose from provided by the Pappas empire.
When will the KXVO News boxed set be released? Comedy like that should be savored again & again....
You know, being a fan of the old SCTV show, I can appreciate what these guys were attempting to do. Maybe a little more money into it and a cast of a few more players, take away the "News" bit and they would have had something. These boys were talented. Great job guys! You brought something refreshing to the Omaha market even if it lasted only a short while. Best of luck in future endeavors!
Goodbye and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Bye! I'll miss the show for sure. By the time it is 10, I don't want to see the same news I saw at 5 or 6 (or 9). I wish this had been on at a different time - maybe that would have helped. I appreciate the effort they tried to do. Bye and good luck to everyone there.
And, why are there so many bitter a$$holes posting here? You might like life a little better if you just quit your bitching. Things could be worse.
Okay, who is Michael Carnes and why is he stealing valuable bandwidth by trolling the KXVO threads?
RULE #1 OF THE INTERNETS: If you're going to be a douchebag, go anonymous. We don't care what your name is. We don't care if you use Blogger. We don't care if you keep stealing oxygen from more worthy lifeforms. Your name is worthless here, so be anonymous.
Where in the world is Obbop?
Hey 12:41 ... unlike you, I have the courage to put my name behind my comments, be they for good, bad or indifferent.
I realize you're bitter that you've lost your gig as assistant yes-man for the associate key grip with this show and have to subject yourself to uttering the phrase, "Care to Super-Size that today???" continuously for 8 hours a day, but don't worry, chump...better days are ahead for ya'. You have potential to one day be the chief technician for the chocoloate shake machine...keep up the good work.
And next time you have a thought and access to this website...just let it go. It's obviously not yours to begin with... :)
KXVO was not funny at all. The cast did get let go. It is true that the show would not catch on, because it was dumb.
wow. i love how this michael carnes character seems to think that if you lose your job in tv ... the only thing you can do for the rest of your life involves fast food.
btw -- pretty sure everyone who worked on the kx show knows how to spell "chocolate" (except maybe mcfayden). Maybe you should learn.
speaking of saying the f-bomb on air.. while i was working at a station in the southwest, the audio guy brought up the anchors mic and on screen you couldn't here the anchor and the audio guy started yelling in the booth to "turn on your f-ing mic" and as it turned out, the mic was on and it was sitting in the audio booth ... Ooops! i laughed, because it wasn't me!
I wonder if this "Michael Carnes" does anything besides blow large smokeclouds of self-aggrandisement and sip on the Haterade. For someone who "fell asleep 30 seconds into the show," you sure were quick about getting on here and writing about it when you woke up...
Anyone else who wants to "hate" on this show and its apparent unfunny-ness should try doing what they did to see how hard it is. Their efforts were noble. You know what they say, "death is easy...comedy is hard."
For all the whiny-assed haters in this thread, I'd like to paraphrase an old adage.
Those who can, do: those who can't, troll blogs on the internet.
Anonymous critics...funny and yet so insignificant and so spineless.
KXVO has become my Sominex...and I sleep well at night because of it. Sad that you anonymous losers are incapable of saying the same...to say nothing of your inability to stand behind your worthless drivel.
Enjoy the swing shift at Burger King, chumps...
Again, fast food is the best insult you can muster? What's next, you'll start mindlessly typing "DEE DEE DEE" at us?
It's all that is needed considering the object of the insult. Anything beyond that would be piling on, and one thing I wouldn't want to be accused of is lacking compassion for the lesser-talented, courage-lacking forms of human species.
"have you evern seen a grown man naked?"
Translation: "I have no better insults, but I don't want everyone to know it."
There's no courage in your posts, Mikey. Only jealousy and lack of experience.
Seriously, even a humor-deprived oxygen-thief such as yourself HAS to have something a little more scathing than 'fast food', right? Or am I hoping for too much?
Jealousy??? Lack of experience??? Oh, please...
As I said, the level of quality of insult matched the quality of the target of said insult. Thank you for unequivically proving my point.
Now don't let the fries get too crisp, sparky...
... So, that's it? That's all you can muster? Yet another fast food crack so terrible that not even Carlos Mencia would steal it?
You disappoint me, Mikey. Then again, I'm sure that's a phrase you've become very familiar with during your squandered years on this planet of ours.
And stop using words too big for your intellect (and spelling abilities, for that matter). 'UnequivOcally' (caps for emphasis) is a fifty cent word, and all you've got to fight us with is three nickels.
Dude...the guy is playing DOWN to your level to make the fight fair. Get over it and move on...
i like crispy fries
Mikey doesn't need your help to be stupid. Let him dig his own outsider grave and lie down in it.
Okay, we're halfway to 100. Here's something to keep conversation going:
The KXVO "News" got lower ratings than "Will & Grace" reruns. Discuss.
Seems Mike has a lot more relevant to say about the quality of KXVO's failed "news" program than the bitter anonymous ones who can't seem to handle their temporary unemployment situations.
Didn't Mark Twain say "Better to be silent and be thought the fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt"? Judging from some of the comments made on both ends, there are a lot of people posting here who would do well to adhere to that simple philosophy.
I realize you won't...but it is worth considering.
I love Will & Grace!
How do you know it got lower ratings than "Will and Grace?" what is your source of information...
The musical was brilliant!! Nonsense is true than fact!!
An old roomie of mine used to work in the KPTM/KXVO sales dept, and they had to write reports on the ratings books. He mentioned to me once that "Will & Grace" reruns weren't doing as well as they thought because it only got a 1 rating and a 2 share (that was a few years ago). But according to this column, the KXVO "news" didn't even register in the ratings at all.
So I guess it's secondhand info, but I don't know why my friend would lie.
Nothing is more fun to read than an epic comment thread written by fifty people all using the Anonymous login. For the love of god, click OTHER and just type some nonsense... at least it'll read easier.
Oh, and someone said the KXVO show was a rip-off of The Daily Show... that person (Anonymous) either has never seen The Daily Show or had never seen the KXVO show. It's like comparing apples and some other fruit.
And such...
I watched it a few times.
It sucked and wasn't funny. Bottom line.
sucking is a manifestation of air not a quality of television programing
in this case, it is both
Awww...I miss the KXVO news! :(
Me too
The laughter has died.
Will and Grace had an higer rating lol. The problem now is why do they have King of the hill at 10. The Omaha market via KXVO or KPTM needs an light hearted national news program like THE DAILY BUZZ, which is produced by the CW but is on WOWT/620 digital sub. KXVO should put something like EXTRA at ten and the DAILY BUZZ in the morning, the crazy thing i bet people would watch.
i enjoyed it while it was on, whether you like matt geiler or not, it was something different. jon stewarts on at 10, colbert 1030. rip 10 oclock news
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Times are changing, with the internet redefining the banking sector over the last five years. Do not be confused as it continues to develop, the many names it goes by all mean the same thing electronic, online and PC banking are all just synonyms traditional banking services provided through a secure internet portal.
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Finding the right sports books and bookmakers to use for your arbitrage sports betting can be a daunting task with the internet now they are everywhere. The list of crooked bookmaking sites that have helped part people with their money and robbed them of their winnings grows longer every day. Being enlightened about this all sports bettors should do their due diligence before signing up with any bookmaker and be sure of their reputation as well as their guarantees on return of winnings. Almost all sports betting sites will have reviews so read them before making your decision on which one you go with.
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Another way of identifying the best sports betting odds is to examine the money lines on the various sports books online. The quickest and simplest way to understand how to compute the odds and comprehend how the money line bet works is to take into consideration the amount of money one would have to bet in order to win one hundred dollars. Normally this figure is shown as a negative and a positive with the negative number indicating what one must wager to win x amount of dollars and the positive showing what one would win.
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So you are based in the United States and worried about your money and current situation, right? If so, there is one thing that you should do right away in order to protect yourself. Close down your account, and switch your funds over to an offshore or overseas service. Not only will this ensure that you are doing everything legally, but you will also be able to keep your money safe. If you are like a lot of players you may have quite a bit of money in your online gambling account. Do you want to lose all of that if something happens? It is better to be safe than sorry in this case.
The important thing to note here is that neither of the above approaches is "systemised", although those in the first group believe that they are limiting losses while increasing their winning chances. But what the majority in that first group generally do not take proper account of is how the Bookies have fixed the odds to ensure that they, the Bookies, will come out on top in the long run. What this means is that if you only bet on "favourites" you will eventually lose all your money, although it is true that you will enjoy a much longer period of betting before you kiss your last buck goodbye!
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