Thursday, April 26, 2007 Debuts 'Washington Notebook'

KETV (Cox Channel 9) is now offering Nebraska and Iowa-related news out of the nation's capitol via a new section on its website titled, "The Washington Notebook."

The new offering on is being produced by Jenny Nowatzke, a 2006 Creighton University graduate and former KETV intern who makes her home in Washington, D.C.

In addition to writing stories about topics of interest to KETV viewers, Nowatzke also produces online video stories. She also invites viewers who will be visiting the capital to let her know in advance so their trip can receive consideration to be featured on the website.


Anonymous said...

When the story about the soldier injured by the IED ran on air Julie re-voiced it. I can see why, the audio quality was terrible and the script sounded like a fourth grade school report.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what it sounded like or how it read, this chick is smokin' hot! Let's see more of Jenny!

Anonymous said...

she's not that hot...and the voice track was absolutely horrible...she couldn't get a job out of college at the smallest of markets, it's easy to see why

Anonymous said...

Wow - Anyonymous - what is it that you do in life? Try to say as many degrading things as possible? She is doing something new, probably all on her own, and I applaud her for that. Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

I was the first poster not the third. I know the anonymous gets confusing, because of my job I can not reveal my name.

Anonymous said...

Jeepers! You're telling me that if I take a trip to Washington, I can make it on to a station's website?

That sounds much more fun than my original plan: Sending $2000 to a scam artist and then whining to Mike McKnight about it.

Anonymous said...

i think that it is an awesome idea. it is something new and different and no other station has something like it. she is willing to take a risk and try something. the only way to start off your career is by taking a risk and seeing if it will work out! keep up the good work!

~K :)

Anonymous said...

In watching the story on the Wisner soldier, the 2 shot had me confused. I thought she was a one-woman band, but the 2 shot wasn't on a tripod. Mabybe an orderly or nurse shot it. If she did shoot this all herself (besides the orderly), I will say it is better than the 75% of the stuff the one-man bands do in Lincoln-Hastings-Kearney and Scottsbluff. There were tons of jump cuts, but the composition isn't terrible. One thing the girl needs to do is check with the homebase on pronouncing hometown words. She pronounced Wisner with a long "I" as [Whise-ner]. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the "i" is pronouned short.

Anonymous said...

Interesting idea.

The "Visiting DC" news is interesting. It reminds you of a small town paper announcing that Aunt Mabel had an old high school friend visit from Strombsurg on Sunday afternoon. Vivian and her husband stayed for dinner with Mabel and had a great time.

Maybe Jenny would be willing to do a "Reverse Visiting DC" announcement. Maybe when our esteemed Senator Hagel decides to visit his constituents here in Nebraska she could post it. I mean really - that would be big news!

Anonymous said...

I want to see more pictures of Jenny!

Anonymous said...

Issue date: 2/28/05

Mice are scurrying about the halls and rooms of Tenley Campus, according to Washington Semester students.

Jenny Nowatzke, a Washington Semester student from Omaha, Neb., said she and her two roommates caught at least three mice between January and Feb. 21 and found evidence of other mice.

"We got a few more traps and baited them with peanut butter, and [Thursday] morning the peanut butter was gone and no one in the trap, so we know we have another one," Nowatzke said.

Nowatzke, who lives on the third floor of Federal Hall, said her roommate left a bag of Chex Mix on the floor of their closet and the mouse ate a hole through the bag as well as a hole in her roommate's backpack.

It took AU Physical Plant a week before it came to look at the problem, Nowatzke said. Physical Plant gave the girls two mousetraps and left.

Federal Hall Resident Assistant Jennifer Ford also had a mouse in her room, she said.

"I had a mouse, but I kept it a secret," Ford said.

Ford said there were probably four rooms on the floor that have had complaints about mice. Ford says she receives a complaint "about very three weeks." Ford advises the residents to call 2FIX, the campus maintenance service.

Tenley Campus Resident Director Dale Booth said complaints about the mice are being addressed.

"It's not an epidemic," Booth said. "There have been a few here and there."

Everyone on the floor was warned about a possible mice problem the very first week they were at AU, according to Nowatzke.

The mice entered the building through holes found near the pipes along the building walls when it was cold outside, according to Booth.

"We have gone through every room and plugged all the holes found around the pipes," he said.

While Booth and Physical Plant have gone through all the rooms to try to capture the mice, Nowatzke said Physical Plant has not fixed the situation.

"No one has really been helpful in trying to get rid of them," she said. "They keep saying, 'We've always had mice.'"

Michelle Paladino, a Washington Semester student from New York University, said she and her roommate saw a mouse one day, but it was gone the next.

"We haven't had much of a mouse problem, but the people living by the kitchen have had more of a problem," Paladino said.

With mousetraps placed everywhere in her room, Nowatzke said she feels that the University isn't doing enough to keep the problem from rising.

"I live on a farm and we have less mice than I've had in this dorm room," she said. "It's just disgusting."

Anonymous said...

The mouse issue is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

She looks a little mousy herself.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, Jenny, you're the girl for me.